Implement data plans

Android 9 lets carriers directly provide authoritative plan details to users in the Settings app to reduce user confusion and support calls. On devices running Android 4.0 and higher, users are able to manually configure their carrier-specific data plan details in the Settings app, for example, setting warnings and limits to manage their data usage.

Configuration by carrier

To configure data plans, carriers can add functionality to their existing Android apps using the SubscriptionPlan APIs. The APIs are designed to support a wide range of data plan types, including both recurring and non-recurring plans, and plans that change over time.

Here's an example of how to configure a common type of data plan that recurs monthly:

SubscriptionManager sm =
sm.setSubscriptionPlans(subId, Lists.newArrayList(
        .setDataUsage(200_493_293L, dataUsageTimestamp)

The device only lets an app configure data plans under one of these conditions:

The first two conditions enable the carrier app to be installed by the user, without requiring that it be pre-installed into the system image at the factory. The OS enforces (and the CDD requires) that all configured data plan details are protected and are only made available to the carrier app that originally provided the details to the OS.

One suggested design is for a carrier app to use an idle maintenance service to update data plan details on a daily basis, but carriers are free to use a wide range of mechanisms, such as receiving data plan details through carrier-internal SMS messages. Idle maintenance services are best implemented with a JobScheduler job that uses setRequiresDeviceIdle() and setRequiresCharging().

Usage by OS

The OS uses the data plan details provided by the SubscriptionPlan APIs in the following ways:

  • The plan details are surfaced via the Settings app to display accurate data usage to users and to provide direct deep links into the carrier app for upgrade/upsell opportunities.
  • The data usage warning and limit notification thresholds are automatically configured based on the plan details; the warning is set to 90% of the limit.
  • If the carrier temporarily indicates the network is "congested", the OS delays JobScheduler jobs that can be time-shifted, reducing the load on the carrier network.
  • If the carrier temporarily indicates the network is "unmetered", the OS can report the cellular connection as "unmetered" until the carrier clears the override, or until the timeout value (if provided) is reached.
  • By comparing the user's current data usage with the overall data limit, the OS estimates the user's normal data usage at the end of the billing cycle and conservatively allocates 10% of any surplus data to improve the user experience, for example, by letting apps use multi-path data.

Customization and validation

The Android Settings app displays all carrier-configured data plan details, ensuring that users see the most accurate status of their carrier relationship, and offering users a path into the carrier app to upgrade their plan. Device manufacturers choosing to customize the Settings app are recommended to continue surfacing these details.

The SubscriptionManager APIs described on this page are tested by android.telephony.cts.SubscriptionManagerTest, which ensures that data plan details can be configured by carrier apps and that changes are propagated within the OS.